I love Konnektz! It’s a great way to explore the world and meet new people. I’ve met so many new friends through this app and it’s helped me explore some of the cool places in my city that I never would have found on my own. Konnektz is the best travel app in the market. It has been a boon for me and my family. We have been able to explore new places and meet new people, thanks to Konnektz.
Konnetkz offers you an opportunity to explore nearby places with mutual friends and your close ones. It is renowned as a travel community platform designed to share interesting places with your family, friends, connections, and groups across the globe.
You already love sharing experiences through photos, videos, live streaming, and chatting with friends by using your favorite apps.
With Konnektz you can do all this and much, much more!
Say you are a keen tennis fan and about to watch a major tennis match at Centre Court, Wimbledon, London. Your friend is also a keen tennis fan but is in New York. You want to share the Wimbledon experience with your friend. With Konnektz you can send your friend a photo, video, or a live stream. But you can also:
The Journey – take your friend on an amazing virtual journey across the globe from their location in New York to Centre Court in London.
Explore More – your friend can then take a 360-degree Street View of Centre Court.
Learn More – your friend can then immediately link to a Wikipedia Page which describes Wimbledon and Centre Court in more detail.
The core feature of this app is, it allows users to share photos or videos with locations that reflect in a 3D Map from location to location.
So, Are you a traveller? so download this app now only as this travel app will help you to build a great bond with your loved ones by allowing you to share exclusive images and videos of different places.
The most important features of Konnektz are location sharing, posting photos & videos, direct personal messaging, live streaming, and Wikipedia information.
Let’s jump on the features and how it works
Direct Messaging – Konnektz is a platform that allows your users to communicate with each other directly from their feeds. it’s the easiest way to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with friends, family, and colleagues.
Perfect Your Profile – it allows you to create and personalize your profile. Create your profile by adding essential details about yourself- Profile Photos, Bio & much more. You can sign up through Email, Google, Apple, or Facebook.
Live Streaming – With Konnektz, users can broadcast their life to their friends and family in real time.
Privacy & Security – Security is paramount and your data is stored securely.
Location Sharing – Connect with new travelers from any location across the world through our Social Community in the app.
Wikipedia Info – We’ve added information features so you can check the location of your friends and family and explore Wikipedia articles related to nearby places.
Street View
Explore places from around the world. Use your phone to add new images & videos and explore the street view experience with location-sharing features.
Let’s share your location with friends and family. It is easy to use, fast and secure. Set up your profile and build a network of people who are important to you.
Use Konnektz for your thrilling travel escapades, special events, or sharing life moments with Friends and Family.
Take Away
Konnektz is an amazing app for those who love to travel. I’ve been using it for over a year now and it’s the best thing that has happened to me. The app is not only great for traveling, but also offers you an opportunity to explore your nearby places with mutual friends and your close ones. If you’re looking for a new way to meet new people, then this is the best place!