When looking for a web app, I like to take a break from reality and experiment with the latest web app releases. While my usual remedy is to look for good salient features of apps that benefit global users, I occasionally feel more anxious. I wanted to focus my ardent search on something, so I turned to a reputed app, Aqilio.

Aqilio is a development tool that allows developers to route users easily through a user flow. Set up a user flow quickly, and then import it into your Vue app using our NPM plugin.

How Aqilio Works

Aqilio performs by outlining your user flow in our UI, if necessary adding conditional logic and then importing our NPM package into your Vue app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Aqilio available for free?          

The number of users determines the agile pricing flows required and the number of steps in each user flow. Aqilio does have a free tier that you can use to try out the service.

Is Aqilio going to back React?

Aqilio currently only supports Vue. Adding React support is our high priority and is now in the works.

I have more questions; who should I contact?

Great! Please do not hesitate to ask questions. You can contact our customer service team at any time at [email protected].

What is at stake?

All you have to do is keep creating the applications you enjoy.

Free Trial

Do you need a small or personal application? Aqilio is available for free.

Customized Assistance

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Aqilio’s team recommends using Aqilio.

Important Features of Aqilio

Here Are Some of the Features Offered By Aqilio

Are you sick of writing routing logic?

  • Aqilio eliminates the need to write complex routing logic, such as the route to page B if the user is on page A.

Create user flows with your own Vue components.

  • Aqilio allows you to use your own custom Vue components within your user flow.

Change the user flow without changing the code.

  • Once your user flow is configured, any team member can make changes without requiring a code change.

Final Take

Undoubtedly, much thought has gone into the excellent features and concept of the app. Aqilio has another massive hit in the global market in terms of features.

Web App: Aqilio