Monitoring your kids’ activities can be difficult these days. If you are a working parent, it would be even tougher. There are so many apps in the market but only a few do the job correctly. A friend of mine, recently suggested an app to me and to my relief that was very helpful. All it took was just 5 minutes to assign some tasks to my kid. After a month, I was able to observe some changes in his discipline and he has turned out so responsible.

Given by Dmytro Kompanets, the app KiteBoard allows parents to be on the same page with their children in all the phases of their life. Kite tools were exclusively created for parents across the globe. The app assists them in dealing with their children who have started using mobile phones at a very younger age. It helps you to bring control over the time duration they spend on their phone.

KiteBoard helps parents as to how an expert would do. It allows users to add their kids to the app using the email id. Once added, tasks can be assigned. With the help of the app, users can assign tasks to their kids that can be anything like sharing their favourite tunes, calling you every day, exercising regularly and so on. To make them do what you say, you can reward them in the form of online money. Once the child knows what you expect, he performs well. He can then later show proof of his work by uploading the necessary photos. By verifying the tasks done, parents can either accept or reject them. If you are satisfied with the tasks, you can give them the coins they deserve, else reject them.

KiteBoard functions as a great motivator and no doubt your children will practice good deeds in a shorter period. The app is so neat and easy to use. You can keep track of the activities and see how much they have earned so far under the history section. The KiteStore on the app facilitates for you to buy gift items for the kids. I was able to purchase gits for their big days or when I felt that they deserve even more than coins for their performance in academics. This feature is something unique and it makes it stand out from others of similar sought.

Users with queries or suggestions can write to [email protected]. KiteBoard is completely free and is available for both iOS and Android users. Get KiteBoard now and accomplish your missions in responsible parenting.

Worth Having App – Download the App