The Training Notebook is the newest and easiest app to help personal trainers organise and track their client’s progress. The app, developed by The Training Notebook, is categorized under Health & Fitness and is designed to deliver a better personal training experience to clients.

Key Features of The Training Notebook

The Training Notebook is the most affordable and easy-to-use app on the market. It is the perfect personal training management tool to help you organise all your client’s information, workout programs, training schedules, assessments, and progress all in one place. Clients can stay focused and motivated by accessing their progress reports and interacting with their personal trainer instantly through the app. The latest version of The Training Notebook allows users to manage multiple clients with ease, saving time and allowing them to focus on growing their business and client base.

Positive Points

The Training Notebook offers an easy to use interface, complete control in goal tracking for your clients, simple steps to customise fitness programs, and the ability to store all client information and progress all in one place. It also helps personal trainers stay organised and focused on growing their client base and business. In addition to the above features, The Training Notebook also offers a variety of unique features that improve the delivery of personal training services either face to face or remotely. These include:

  • Unlimited clients
  • Physical readiness questionnaires (PAR-Q) for each client
  • Unlimited training programs
  • Unlimited body assessments
  • Interval timer


The Training Notebook is the perfect app for personal trainers looking to provide their clients with the best experience possible. It offers an easy to use interface, complete control in goal tracking, and a variety of unique features that help personal trainers deliver their services more efficiently. The app is an affordable and effective way to help you manage your clients and grow your business.