When you need to build a profitable SEO, you will have to track your website’s rank. If you own a business or a SaaS company or any other service, it is a must that you track your rankings in the SERPs and you must ensure that you remain relevant to your target audience, and they can identify you without any hassles. By using rank tracker tools, you can clearly find out the changes in your rankings and take actions to improve them. This helps you to increase your traffic and reach.

What’s Wincher?

Wincher is a rank tracking tool that allows you to check your rankings across a variety of search engines like Yahoo, Google, and YouTube etc. This is a finest rank tracker tool for those who prefer to analyse their ranking performance. The app comes with a dynamic pricing without any commitments.

What has Wincher got?

Be it updating yours’ and your competitors ranking positions, logging everyday to see the ranking updates or generating client reports, Wincher does it all for you. You can also export the reports via PDF or CSV that can be mailed to an email address either weekly or monthly. You can look for keyword rankings in all the major search engines, group them into different categories and find ways to monetize by SEM, SEO or content depending on what your audience are looking for.

What’s great about it?

Rankings fluctuate every time and without a proper tool it is difficult to monitor the performance with time. With Wincher, you also need less worry about ranking alerts as they are updated frequently. You need not log in everyday as you will be automatically notified whenever an important update takes place. When you start using Wincher, you can easily track the website with keyword selection, last position, keyword filters etc. The tool would be easy to handle and is much noted for its simplicity.

Pricing of Wincher

The rank tracker is free to use and they charge only £10 per month for the first website for every 100 keywords included and £3 for every additional website. The company does not put its’ clients on any lock-up or ask for any credit card details. Pro users will be able to close or upgrade their account on any time of their choice.

For anyone who is starting a business, I would suggest them to use Wincher. With this, it gets definitely easy for you to start a new website, add keywords and follow the rankings every day.

Worth Having Webapp – Try Wincher Today