Selecting where to invest your money is hard decision and would depend on many factors comprising your overall investment objectives, risk profile and the amount of time you have to invest. Therefore it is best to seek the advice of a qualified financial adviser who could assist to define your personal situation and identify the appropriate asset allocation. If you do not have an adviser, The Money Pouch automated system would choose the strategy for you based on your risk profile. It also adeptly explains Why Choose The Money Pouch?

The Money Pouch builds on by investing in low-cost ETFs and rebalancing them frequently to keep the risk to return more consistent. This provides your investment portfolio more protection when stock markets fall by reallocating your portfolio to bonds or cash. They mainly use low-cost Vanguard ETFs in portfolio. Also using minimum variance optimisation and other algorithmic techniques they can reduce and trade on your behalf automatically. There is no need to look at complicated technical analysis or stare at stock charts.

The Money Pouch is attracting quality investors with a low annual management fee, instead aligning their interests with clients with their performance fee. They use algorithms which work perfectly on sophisticated momentum strategies to invest in the best and safest ETFs in USD. The investment portfolio is rebalanced approximately once per month, but has human management oversight to step in if stock markets start to head south.

The users have worked hard for their money. So let The Money Pouch invests your cash wisely. Their computer trading algorithms would automatically buy, sell stock and bond ETFs on your behalf. Their effective roboadviser works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and automatically rebalances your portfolio to maximise returns, whilst minimising risk.

It also selects from a wider range of ETF’s than most roboadvisors. Major investments houses are stuck to investing invest only in their own range of ETF funds ranges. The Money Pouch might invest in any ETF provided by any fund house listed on a major stock exchange, permitting it freedom of choice and independence. It also provides distinct advantage in not being tied down to investing own products, making it more independent of their investment selection.

Hudson James Investment Management has appointed over 400 automated trading systems for some of the largest financial institutions around the globe. The Money Pouch uses a computer algorithm which eliminates emotion from the investment process. The computer program ranks ETF’s based on a number of technical indicators and then selects the best ETF’s to hold for the subsequent month. By this method it almost reduces risk and improves returns for clients. These rebalanced ETF strategies seek to make positive returns in rising, falling and range-bound markets

The Money Pouch is focusing on soft leverage to target higher returns than most roboadvisers. The company has been testing their strategies namely as the conservative, balanced and adventurous strategies which had consecutive positive months for the last nine months. As effective result the Money Pouch’s three ETF strategies have all beaten the 60% equity 40% bond mix of a typical ETF retirement portfolio since launch.

The back-tested ETF solutions and the live results from the last nine months could be actually seen on the website. All three strategies have the strong ability to hold equities, gold or treasury ETF’s. The proportions invested in each asset class would vary depending on the results produced by the algorithms. The strategies could also allow for a move into cash in the event of a prolonged market downturn.

The Money Pouch specialises in managing ETF strategies. Hudson James is the asset manager for the Money Pouch and holds Separately Managed Accounts (SMA’s). These segregated accounts offer the individual investor complete transparency, flexibility and protection. The client’s assets are therefore ring-fenced and protected by a deposit insurance scheme.

It is conveyed that the minimum investment is only $10,000 which lowers the entry barriers and provides access to a wider, global audience of investors. Altogether The Money pouch is qualitative top online wealth service which buys stock and bond ETFs on your behalf automatically. The users could download this app from App Store and Play Store.

You could also watch FREE Masterclass video where you can learn all about ETF investing: