If you have a phone or a tablet, then chances are you have at least one email account. More than likely you will have multiple email accounts because of work, a service, or a company that requires you to have an E-mail with them such as the cable company. If you keep them all on your tablet or phone it could mean having multiple applications that take up space and could slow down your machine.
Mail wise is the Android app that is the perfect solution to that problem. With Mail wise you can set up all of your email accounts into one application, saving you time and space. It allows you to quickly access which email account you need to check, and allows you to quickly switch between those accounts as well. Not only does this save you digital storage space by providing you all your accounts in one location, but it allows direct access to your accounts instead of going through a third party.
The setup is fairly easy to use and the controls are all touch based and gesture based. Simply set up your accounts with the email addresses you have and go from there, this Android app walks you through all of it step by step. You can swipe to delete those emails or chats as needed and save the ones you do need. You can also group together conversations so they are in one thread instead of seeing them multiple times.
As someone that has over five different email address with work and personal in the mix it can be easy to forget to check one. When you do check it, you have more mail than you want to deal with. With Android app is a perfect way to stay more organized and keep track of what you need to.