The Tobi application is supported on an iPhone and iPad and can be downloaded for free on iTunes. It is located in the health and fitness category and has a size of 15.7 MB. The current version is 1.2 updated on October 6 the 2017. The application uses the English language and was sold and developed by Matthew Dutton. It is compatible with iOS 8.0 and any other later version.

The Tobi app is one of the best wellness and fitness app on the market that enables one to keep track of his or her health. This application has helped many people as it is easy and fun to use. It helps keep records and tracks of the most important statistics concerning one’s health, thereby giving one peace of mind. Whether it is planned doctor visits, taking of medication and keeping record of your injection Tobi is the best partner to ensure a healthier life supported by proper decision making. With the signature RX medication tracker the feature allows one to keep up to date information concerning all medical aspects and never missing on a schedule.

The application has proved to be the best companion when delivering care to many people. It is a sophisticated yet a simple module that enables users to track trends on health, and exchange reports concerning statistics on health and share different tasks. It does not
matter of the divide you are, whether, the medical practitioner, the doctor, the patient or one is designated to take care of a friend or family member, the app is your perfect partners.


This application allows the user to pick a caregiver and then the connection is offered. It orks in a way that it ensures real time information is sent to people of interest concerning your health such as fitness coaches, and other medical practitioners concerning your daily activities. The app allows for a feedback where the said professional can give you tips, support and help as you aspire to live a disease free life.

The Pros of using the Tobi application.

  • Secure – the application keeps personal data and information safe thus incidences of breach of privacy are minimized.
  • Provides linkage- by using the application one can join other users such as family members and the medical practitioner who together help in progress monitoring.
  • Easy management- it comes with reminders that help one keep track of the process of medication.
  • Good organization- getting all the health related information from one point is good enough and facilitates easy access.
  • Can help keep track- keeping track of such aspects of one’s life such as body weight, length of sleep and blood pressure which are vital aspects in ensuring one stays healthy.


  • The app is not always secure and breach of personal data may be detrimental to the patient.
  • The app cannot track the overall progress of an individual as the medical practitioner is only limited to, information only given at the patients end.
  • The application is only limited to iPhone users and people relying on the android phones are hence disadvantaged.


With the advancement in medicine, the major important thing is to ensure the patient is in constant touch with the patient. An application that provides such connectivity is the best news to any patient. People will save more due to cutting travelling expenses when obtaining consultations in physical hospitals. The application is giving you a healthcare facility right into your palms. The reminders also help drug administration easy as it keeps one updated about the schedule.

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