This is such a great tool to have readily accessible on your iPhone.  The app is free and multifunctional.  It has a symptom checker, drug uses, condition reference, and many more functions. 

In the latest update, to increase its compatibility with IOS 7, the app has become more personal.  The user can selected which health related topics are most important to the user.  WebMD will then provide information that has been specifically picked for those topics to the user.  When the app is first opened, it features articles relative to the user, and nifty little tidbits of information like “Word of the Day”.  Now, the app has improved from just a reference guide to a healthy living resource, and the user can select “healthy living”’ or “health tools”.

When “Health Tools” are selected, the user can search in topic areas such as:  medicine, conditions, local health listings, tests & procedures, first aid information, and medical terms.  I think these content areas are extremely helpful.  Sometimes, we forget what the doctor told us about an upcoming procedure, or recently diagnosed condition.  By using WebMd, we can lessen our knowledge gap with our health care providers.

The symptom checker is a very robust tool.  The user can select problem areas on a virtual model, or you can search symptoms by a list.  The more symptoms you identify the better, and the app will use the information to suggest possible conditions.

The “Healthy Living” section offers tips and tricks for a healthier lifestyle, and many delicious recipes with appetizing pictures. 

Health issues are something that many people like to keep confidential.  In the newest update, the app offers the user a PIN.  Therefore the user can search and save articles, but keep the information in secure location.

The app downloaded quickly, and has very nice graphics.  The app is also very easy to navigate.  To use the app to its full potential, it is recommended to be connected to a network or wifi source.