The concept behind this app is to get paid to scan your shopping receipts. When I saw it, I thought, “Hmm, I can totally do that!” Scan your receipts from grocery stores, drug stores, or big box stores, and earn coins. You collect coins for a cash payout or Amazon gift card. 1000 coins = a $5 payout. Not bad when 1 coin is $1 spent. You can earn more coins by inviting friends or connecting with Facebook. The app will notify you when you have more spins to earn more coins.
The app downloaded easily onto my iPhone 4. The app is easy to navigate with menu tabs across the bottom of the screen. Once I started scanning receipts, I realized they had to be very current receipts or they would not count toward the weekly goal. The scanning process is a little clunky as the app instructs you what to take a picture of. I wasn’t sure if the receipt really did scan until it completed uploaded. On occasion, the upload timed out. Just in case, Receipt Hog does include a troubleshooting section, so help is available if the app doesn’t work the way you need it to.
There are definitely improvements that could be made to this app. However, it looks cute with a good concept, and can be appealing to the domestic goddess. There is a section in the app called “Hog Slots” which it plays like a casino slot machine. By playing “Hog Slots”, you can win more coins, win the last trip that you scanned, or win $100! It even has a bonus available to go “HogWild” on spins if you submit 5 weeks in a row.
I wish the app had more gift card options. Cash payouts are very nice, and not many rewards programs have that option. In this app, it can definitely pay to save! This domestic goddess says, “Give it a try, and earn back some cash!”